How to Stop Tonneau from Getting Stolen? 6 Easy Tips to Follow

Do you ever hear about a tonneau cover getting stolen? Tonneau covers are pricey and have always been the target of thieves. One of my friend’s truck bed covers got stolen. As a truck owner, I also have a tonneau cover installed over my truck bed. I was very anxious about How to stop the Tonneau from getting stolen. 

In this regard, I did a lot of research and found various simple and easy solutions. Now, my tonneau cover is safe, and I wanted to share all the ways with you if you are worried about your tonneau cover being stolen and looking for tips to keep them secure from thieves. 

How to secure Tonneau cover? Tips and Tricks

Getting stolen a tonneau cover no more makes me surprised. It seems every worthy thing is now a thief’s primary target. Our trucks are on their top target, as well as their parts and accessories. 

Securing a tonneau cover is not problematic until you know the best possible steps to keep it locked. Below I will demonstrate how I keep my tonneau cover secure from getting stolen.

Lock your Tailgate

It is my first and foremost priority to double-check my truck’s tailgate. I always make sure that my truck’s tailgate is properly locked. Locking the tailgate will lessen the chances of the tonneau cover getting stolen. 

But if it prevents the picking up of tonneau cover, then why should not everyone do it? Truck owners are unaware of thieves’ targets on the tonneau cover or have just been relaxed over time. Make the lock sturdy and tight to prevent your tonneau cover from getting stolen.

Rear Dash Cam near with Blinking light

No doubt it is pricey, but it will lessen the chances of the tonneau cover getting stolen. How? I fitted a rear dash cam which has a blinking light as well. If a thief decided to steal my truck accessory, the light would turn on, and the video would start to record. 

Thieves do not want to be recorded while picking any object. Once they see a camera with blinking light, they will likely move on.

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Park Your Truck Near the Traffic

Nothing terrifies the thieves more than a bunch of witnesses. Whenever I leave my truck unattended, I park it near the traffic. Because when there are a lot of people around them, thieves find it difficult to steal a large item.

Tailgate Alarm

The alarm works as a theft deterrent. Various companies manufacture tailgate alarms that typically install over the tailgate to prevent the tonneau cover from getting stolen. They work amazingly; the alarm goes on if a thief tries to unlatch the tailgate. 

Park the Vehicle Against a Wall or Pillar

If your truck’s rear side parks close to the wall or pillar, it will prevent your tonneau cover from getting stolen because they cannot unlatch rear clamps.

Used Paracord

Securing the paracord with inside clamps or corner braces will reduce the chances of the tonneau cover getting stolen. It takes much force to pry up the cover and does not lift as much.

How Secures Are Tonneau Covers?

Are tonneau covers theft-proof? Each style and tonneau cover gives a level of security to the gear and prevents it from the eyes of thieves. Tonneau covers are integrated with the tailgate lock and have a locking mechanism that keeps the cargo away from the prey. Moreover, it holds the cover in its place.


Tonneau’sTonneau’s covers work exceptionally well in hiding and covering the cargo. It has been a target for several years because of its high price. To keep it secure from thieves, I have demonstrated some essential and easy tips you can adopt to secure your tonneau cover from getting stolen. All the tips are constructive regarding securing your tonneau cover from thieves. 

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